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We appreciate your interest in Grubb Properties and we look forward to sharing our insights with you. We invite you to download the white papers below concerning critical investment strategies and opportunities.


Essential Housing and our approach to the US housing crisis

Learn more about this underserved, resilient asset class, and how Grubb Properties is meeting the moment through creative and compassionate solutions.

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The Durability of Resiliency-Focused Portfolios

How Grubb Properties leverages growth and cyclicality to drive
our market-leading, essential housing strategy

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Opportunity Zone Investing Basics

Explore the fundamentals of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to capture tax incentives on your investments while deploying capital into areas of the country that need revitalization.

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Going against the grain

Clay Grubb, CEO, describes how Grubb Properties’ unconventional approach achieves success for investors, tenants and communities.

Differentiation by design

Todd Williams, CIO, outlines our unique efficiencies and principled philosophy for addressing the nation’s housing crisis.

Balancing the real estate equation

Clark Spencer, SVP – Investments, discusses how our passion for addressing underserved markets intersects with astute investment strategies.

Leadership: "Creating the Urban Dream"

Our CEO, Clay Grubb, leads the company’s overall strategic vision and plays an active role in all investment decisions. His first book, “Creating the Urban Dream,” is about finding concrete, creative solutions to America’s housing affordability crisis, was published in 2020.

Creating the Urban Dream Book